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Does an Apple a Day Really Keep the Doctor Away?

Photo by Ground Picture from Shutterstock

7. An apple a day assists with weight management

Apples contain a lot of water. A medium-sized apple is made up of roughly 86% water, which makes it one of the most filling fruits. Not only is water filling, but it also significantly lowers the calorie density of foods. In one study, apples led to reduced calorie intake and thus weight loss, while oat cookies—which had much more calories but similar fiber contents—did not.

Speaking of fiber, an apple a day also helps you reach your recommended fiber intake. A medium-sized apple provides about 4 grams of fiber, which is 11% of the recommended intake of dietary fiber for men and 16% for women. This is extremely high given the low calorie content of apples.

Consuming fiber can make you feel more full, and for this reason, you may end up eating fewer total calories. Combine this with the amount of water found in an apple, and you have one of the most filling fruits.

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