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7 Amazing Ways Bone Broth Benefits Your Health

Bone Broth Benefit
Photo by Ground Picture at Shutterstock

Bone broth benefit: It can help you sleep

The amino acids in bone broth also promote better sleep in some individuals. A study in the journal Neuropsychopharmacology performed in 2015 reports that the amino acid glycine is a safe therapeutic alternative to improve one’s sleep.

People who take glycine before going to bed might feel better and have less fatigue the next day. For these people, drinking bone broth with a simple dinner could help supply this glycine.

Don’t have time to make your own? Amazon comes to the rescue with this Trader Joe’s Organic Beef Bone Broth

We hope you found this post on bone broth benefits insightful. But Nutrition In USA has much more to offer it’s readers. For instance, we highly recommend checking out: 14 Incredible Cancer-Fighting Herbs for Optimal Health

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