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7 Amazing Ways Bone Broth Benefits Your Health

Bone Broth Benefit
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Bone broth benefit: It can help heal the gut and reduce inflammation

Individuals with inflammatory bowel disease or leaky gut syndrome can greatly benefit from consuming bone broth. Some amino acids present within it might also be helpful for digestion.

An amino acid called glutamine seems promising, according to a 2017 study in the journal Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care. It notes that glutamine supplementation aids in healing the intestinal barrier in humans and animals.

This indicates that it can help with certain conditions, including leaky gut, which upsets the mucosal lining in a person’s intestines and interferes with the body’s capacity to digest food.

A different study in the journal Nutrients found that individuals with inflammatory bowel disease have a tendency to have lower levels of some amino acids in their bodies.

For these people, getting more amino acids into their overall diets could help with some symptoms of the condition. Drinking bone broth daily is a simple way of getting anti-inflammatory amino acids into the body.

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