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Cherry Pits, Kidney Beans, and 4 Other Foods That Can Be Toxic

toxic foods
Image By New Africa From Shutterstock

Raw Cashews

Yes, these nuts are part of the toxic foods you need to be careful of. And before you think about all the times you ate raw cashews, be it as a snack or in salads, know that the ones you get from stores are not coming to you in their fully raw state. Before they can be packaged and sold, raw cashews are steamed so that the toxin in their shell can be removed!

Like mango skin, cashew also contains the poison ivy toxin, urushiol, and eating cashews before they have been steamed can lead to a severe allergic reaction. If you are already allergic to other things, it can prove fatal if you do not act fast enough to reverse the reaction!

If you are interested in even more common foods that can end up being toxic and threatening to your life, make sure you keep on reading this article on the topic here!

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