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Cherry Pits, Kidney Beans, and 4 Other Foods That Can Be Toxic

toxic foods
Image By LookerStudio From Shutterstock

Raw Kidney Beans

You’ve probably been wondering how kidney beans made it on a toxic foods list since they are so widespread and eaten by so many people, but the problem with this type of legume is in its raw state, not in its cooked state.

Raw red kidney beans are known to have the highest concentration of lectins out of all the bean types, which makes them poisonous if you eat them raw. Too many lectins can lead to diarrhea, severe stomachaches, and even vomiting. And if you think it is no problem if you accidentally eat a few raw red kidney beans, know that it only takes about 4 to 5 raw beans to cause the mentioned side effects! Do yourself a favor and make sure your beans are thoroughly boiled before you eat them!

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