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Cherry Pits, Kidney Beans, and 4 Other Foods That Can Be Toxic

toxic foods
Image By elxeneize From Envato Elements


If you are a mango lover, the inclusion of this fruit on the toxic foods list may surprise you. However, it is not the flesh that is poisonous but rather the skin, leaves, and bark of the fruit. All of these are poisonous because they contain urushiol, which is the same toxin that can be found in poison ivy.

If you know yourself to be allergic to poison ivy, more so than most people, as your reaction can be really bad, make sure you are clear of any mango skin and do not accidentally bite or eat on it. In these cases, you can easily end up getting a rash, swelling up, and even having breathing problems!

If you are aware that you may have severe allergic reactions to certain foods or ingredients, it is good to carry a medical case with you. This EpiPen Carrying Medical Case you can get on Amazon is one of the best ways to make sure you have everything you need in a portable, easy-to-use, and transportable case!

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