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The Anti-Cancer Diet: 9 Delicious Things You Should Eat

Photo by Irina Burakova from

3. Broccoli

Sulforaphane, an organic chemical present in broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables, has been linked to promising anticancer effects. Scientists wanted to know more about this topic, so they studied this chemical, and the results were pretty interesting. It was shown to inhibit the growth and spread of breast cancer cells by as much as 75% in a lab dish.

That is not all the information we’ve got on this. Sulforaphane treatment in mice resulted in a 50% reduction in tumor volume and a significant decrease in the number of cancerous cells.

Based on these results, it’s thought that eating more cruciferous vegetables like broccoli might actually lower your risk of getting colorectal cancer.

However, scientists still need to run some tests to discover the connection between broccoli and the way it affects people infected with this disease, so keep that in mind.

But you shouldn’t skip this vegetable altogether because it’s tasty, and filling, pairs well with all sorts of other veggies and pasta, and is great for helping you reach your fitness goals.

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