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Warning: 9 Worst Foods for High Cholesterol

Health Benefits Of Egg
Photo by sweet marshmallow at Shutterstock

7. Eggs

Eggs are one of the most nutritious foods one can eat, especially as a source of protein. However, they are also one of the worst foods for high cholesterol. For instance, one large egg delivers about 207 milligrams of cholesterol.

What’s interesting—but somehow contradictory—is that some studies suggest that eating whole eggs may actually boost heart-protective high-density cholesterol, also known as “good” cholesterol. However, research shows that levels of bad cholesterol increase as egg consumption increases.

In other words, if you have elevated cholesterol levels, watch out for foods that contain eggs and limit having omelets or boiled eggs for breakfast.

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5 thoughts on “Warning: 9 Worst Foods for High Cholesterol”

  1. THERE is the case for vegetarianism! Unrefined plant matter is devoid of cholesterol! No matter how you look at it, eating dead animal bodies (carrion) is a losing deal…

    These words of wisdom are gifted to you by that sage— Feral Tomm—

  2. There goes 75% of my diet. I eat almost all these foods on a regular basis. Thanks for reccomending alternatives. Time for big changes.

  3. These recommendations are way off. Anything with fake sugar like HFCS, Corn Syrup, etc. causes your cholesterol to rise. Avoid white sugar and artificial sweeteners. You can eat as much egg, steak, cheese, etc, as you want. When my husband eliminated processed “sugars” his cholesterol dropped 80 points. This was 20 years ago. I did my research online and discovered it’s the man-made sugars that cause your body to make cholesterol. He eats pork sausages, steaks, eggs, maple syrup, sucanat(sugar cane natural), honey etc. to his heart’s content.

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