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6 Superfoods That Prevent Cancer and Heart Disease

superfoods that prevent cancer and heart disease
Photo by zi3000 from

6. Sardines

Sardines might not be everyone’s favorite food, but they should still be included in your diet because they’re one of the superfoods that prevent cancer and heart disease.

This type of fish is rich in heart-healthy fats and nutrients that will do wonders for your body, such as omega-3 fatty acids, which will help increase healthy HDL cholesterol, lower dangerous triglyceride levels, and keep heart disease at bay.

If you love working out and you’re looking for natural ways to increase your performance, and muscle mass, and recover faster after some tough exercises, sardines shouldn’t be missing from your diet because 100 grams of fish contains 3,4 grams of creatine, which will help you reach those fitness goals as well as prevent cramping and dehydration.

The next time you go grocery shopping, make sure you put some sardines in there too, because you don’t want to miss these superfoods that prevent cancer and heart disease!

There are many other superfoods that prevent cancer and heart disease, so if you want to know more about this topic, leave a comment down below and say “part II”, and we’ll take care of it!

Which one of these superfoods that prevent cancer and heart disease is your favorite? If you have any other suggestions on what you’d like to read, feel free to let us know, because we’re here for you! And if you want to read something else from us, here’s a good article for you: 14 Incredible Cancer-Fighting Herbs for Optimal Health

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