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6 Superfoods That Prevent Cancer and Heart Disease

superfoods that prevent cancer and heart disease
Photo by Krasula from

3. Almonds

It’s probably not a surprise to see this food item on this list because we all know that almonds are incredibly good for us, but yes, that’s true; they’re also part of the superfoods that prevent cancer and heart disease.

If you had no idea that this tasty nut could boost your IQ, this is your clue to get some almonds, because they’ll change your life for the better! There’s a reason why they’re such a popular snack: the unique combination of healthy fats and protein is highly efficient for increasing memory capacity and intelligence, and these are qualities that we all need, am I right?

But that’s not all, because only a handful of crunchy almonds can help you lower the risk of diabetes, cancer, and heart disease. This great nut is rich in plant sterols, which are fantastic for preventing your body from gripping dangerous LDL cholesterol that can lead to cardiovascular disease.

If you want to include more almonds into your diet, you should, by the way, make sure you get raw ones because the cooked or salty varieties aren’t that natural and some of their amazing benefits might be canceled during processing. If you’re looking for healthy raw almonds, check out these ones here, because they’re the best!

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