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6 Superfoods That Prevent Cancer and Heart Disease

superfoods that prevent cancer and heart disease
Photo by meaofoto from

4. Garlic

Vampires in your home? Not a problem with strong and crunchy garlic! But if you don’t have monsters in your home and Halloween is still far away, you might want to include garlic in your diet because it’s part of the superfoods that prevent cancer and heart disease.

Garlic is going to do wonders for your health because it has many powerful ingredients that will lower your blood pressure, decrease the number of enzymes that constrict your blood vessels, and minimize the plaque in your arteries that can lead to heart problems.

Besides the incredible health benefits, garlic is also great paired with baked potatoes, chicken breast or wings, and fried fish, but if you’re not a big fan of its lingering smell or taste, a fantastic and effective alternative is to take a garlic supplement in the form of a pill, but make sure you talk to your doctor about it first.

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