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6 Superfoods That Prevent Cancer and Heart Disease

superfoods that prevent cancer and heart disease
Photo by Krasula from

5. Red wine

This is going to be amazing news for those who love to enjoy a glass of something at the end of a long day because red wine is on the list of superfoods that prevent cancer and heart disease.

If you consume red wine in moderation—yes, moderation—be careful with that (150 ml or 5 ounces maximum). It can have incredible benefits for your overall health, as it can help increase HDL levels and minimize the buildup of cholesterol.

This fancy red beverage contains plenty of antioxidants that are known for breaking up impending blood clots and keeping severe health issues at bay. Next time you find yourself looking for that corkscrew, just tell yourself that it’s for your heart, but don’t forget to not go overboard with it because you’ll cancel all those fantastic health benefits.

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