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Top 9 Alkaline Foods You Should Be Eating Daily

Photo by Tim UR at Shutterstock

Alkaline Food: Cauliflower

Cauliflower can have many health-promoting benefits. It’s a natural source of antioxidants and phytochemicals as a cruciferous vegetable. It also supplies crucial vitamins, carotenoids, fiber, minerals, and soluble sugars.

Cauliflower can also stall early phases of cancer development and shut off tumor growth by helping to reduce your cancer risk with its chemo-preventive agents. By reducing inflammation, cauliflower can even boost your immunity and free your body from any harmful bacteria, infections, and common colds.

The anti-inflammatory benefits of cauliflower can also lessen your chances of developing high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. Cauliflower is also high in Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and antioxidants that can maintain bone health and prevent blood clotting and bone calcification.

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