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6 Best Foods to Prevent a Stroke in Retirement

foods to prevent a stroke
Photo by Nadezhda Nesterova from Shutterstock

1. Oatmeal

Eating breakfast every day is extremely important if you want to have a healthy lifestyle. And what is more important is what you choose to eat for breakfast. If you want to try some foods to prevent a stroke, you can’t miss oatmeal.

We know, maybe oatmeal seems dull, and you might think it lacks any taste or texture, but if you learn how to eat it and what you can add to it, you can change your mind and even begin to love it.

And how can you not love it when this food is one of the foods that can make you live longer? Aarhus University in Denmark analyzed the dietary data of around 55,000 people in Denmark who were, on average, 56 years old and had no previous record of stroke. And what they have found is amazing.

The study lasted for 13 years and found that those who ate oatmeal instead of eggs and white bread had a lower risk of suffering a stroke. Oatmeal may reduce the risk of stroke by helping to reduce LDL (bad) blood cholesterol; however, the study was not intended to demonstrate how this can occur, so this remains unknown.

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