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10 Superfoods Every Senior Should Eat to Stay Healthy

Photo by Vladislav Noseek from

2. Whole grains

These amazing, versatile, healthy foods are high in fiber, which aids digestion and also prevents your body from getting certain diseases that come with age. Some of my favorite whole grains are quinoa and brown rice, which got me out of a bind a bunch of times when I had trouble deciding on what to cook for my family for dinner.

When combined with chicken breast or salmon, your meal is ready in less than 20 minutes, making it both quick AND tasty to boot. And if you happen to cook just a bit more than you initially planned, you can save it for the next day, and it’ll be just as yummy reheated.

3. Salmon

Believe it or not, salmon might be one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. Why? Because it is high in Omega-3 fatty acids, which help you maintain a healthy heart, but it is also rich in nutrients that are a must in everyone’s diet. Being versatile and widely available in almost every grocery store, salmon is affordable to buy, easy to cook, and downright delicious.

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