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10 Superfoods Every Senior Should Eat to Stay Healthy

Photo by photka from Shutterstock

9. Sweet potatoes

Since I switched from regular potatoes to sweet potatoes, my life has drastically changed. I no longer feel bloated or puffy after meals, and I also solved my constipation issue. Because sweet potatoes are loaded with antioxidants and fiber, they are so easy to digest. You can have them as a side dish with chicken breast or salmon or simple as an appetizer on top with of favorite sauce.

Sweet potatoes are an adaptable, healthy food that you can have at least 3 or 4 times a week without worrying about getting fat. Have you ever tried adding baked pieces of sweet potatoes to your salad? I can guarantee that you will be amazed by the taste! Keep in mind that they are full of beta-carotene, which is basically vitamin A that is mandatory for a healthy body and good vision. A lot of good reasons to start eating sweet potatoes!

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