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Leftovers: 8 Food items You Should NEVER Reheat

Image By Han-Lin From Shutterstock

#5  Surprising leftovers: Chicken

There are two surprising things at hand here: one is that most people end up reheating chicken leftovers, and the other one is that you probably heard that chicken is dangerous to be reheated before. Yet no one has stopped to explain why this is happening. After all, it isn’t always the case that eating chicken leftovers will lead to getting food poisoning. It’s just that the process is a bit more tricky if you aren’t familiar with it.

The Food Safety Information Council has said that it is safe to eat chicken the next day if you manage to bring all the parts of the meat to a 175-degree Fahrenheit temperature! This is because you want to kill off all the bacteria that are harmful to you before you eat. This means that you could either invest in a cooking thermometer if you don’t have one already or give up on the idea of reheating chicken in the microwave (as it is notorious for not evenly heating up food).

To be safe when it comes to chicken, make sure it was kept under 42 degrees before you planned to reheat it, and never eat a chicken dish that has been stored in the fridge for more than three days.

But this may just be an added headache to a simple next-day meal…

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