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7 Things That Happen If You Eat Chocolate Every Day

effects of eating chocolate every day
Photo by RealPeopleStudio from Shutterstock

2. Effects of eating chocolate every day? It can make you jittery

If you feel down and want some energy, you can pick up that chocolate bar because it might really help. All of this happens because of the caffeine contained in the chocolate. Say thanks to dark chocolate and milk chocolate because they both contain this stimulant that helps us wake up every morning.

Also, chocolate is an amazing source of carbohydrates, and after all this, they are our main source of energy. They are the main fuel that gives you the boost you need.

But please don’t forget that one of the effects of eating chocolate every day can be anxiety and jitters. Sure, you can eat a square of chocolate from time to time, but if you eat too much, that caffeine might not make you feel very good.

Some people are more sensitive to caffeine than others, and even if you enjoy some chocolate from time to time, eating too much can cause sleep problems and restlessness.

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1 thought on “7 Things That Happen If You Eat Chocolate Every Day”

  1. B Andruskiewicz

    You didn’t mention the heavy metals that are in most dark chocolates. …such as cadmium and lead.

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