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7 Things That Happen If You Eat Chocolate Every Day

effects of eating chocolate every day
Photo by Oasishifi from Shutterstock

3. It can increase bad cholesterol

Despite the potential cholesterol-lowering effects of cocoa flavonoids, some types of chocolate, especially when consumed in excess, may raise LDL cholesterol levels. Some varieties of chocolate, especially white chocolate and white chocolate, have a lot of saturated fats from the cocoa butter that is used to make them. Cocoa butter is a natural fat that is derived directly from the cocoa bean.

For example, let’s take a look at white chocolate. We can easily see that this type of chocolate has at least 20% cocoa butter among its ingredients, and even more, it can have up to 55% sugar!

So, depending on the type of chocolate you prefer to eat, one of the effects of eating chocolate every day can be the rise of LDL cholesterol. This is probably one of the bad side effects that we don’t want to encounter.

Despite the fact that stearic acid, which does not appear to increase bad cholesterol, accounts for part of the saturated fat in cocoa butter, it is still a better idea to consume milk chocolate and white chocolate in moderation.

1 thought on “7 Things That Happen If You Eat Chocolate Every Day”

  1. B Andruskiewicz

    You didn’t mention the heavy metals that are in most dark chocolates. …such as cadmium and lead.

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