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Cherry Pits, Kidney Beans, and 4 Other Foods That Can Be Toxic

toxic foods
Image By Mercedes Fittipaldi From Shutterstock


We have all used nutmeg in various sweet and savory food products. However, not many know that nutmeg does make the list of the most toxic foods. While we may enjoy the nutty, umami flavor of nutmeg, you need to be careful with how much of it you are using, especially if you are grating it fresh.

Nutmeg that is ingested in high quantities can pose a threat to your health, and it can basically poison you. Nutmeg contains an oil called myristicin, which, when ingested in high quantities, can give you side effects such as hallucinations, confusion, and drowsiness, all the way to causing you to have seizures!

As little as two teaspoons of nutmeg can give your body a toxic reaction, so you should be careful not to accidentally add too much to your sweet baked goods or drop too much in your bechamel sauce! Given this, you can imagine just how dangerous that viral, nonsensical trend of trying to eat a whole teaspoon of nutmeg was!

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