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4 Detox Methods That Ruin Your Health

Image By sdecoret From Shutterstock

But why don’t they work?

Let’s be honest: it does sound good to do a detox. It gives you the impression that you are getting healthier and that you are taking an important step towards getting better. However, it has already been established through everything we have been discussing so far that they are not really doing what they claim they are and are frankly quite unnecessary. They will not miraculously improve your health, and if you want to get healthy, this is definitely not the way to go about it.

The body already has a detoxifier in its system, and it is the liver. Its main function is to filter out toxins and break down the possible harmful compounds into useful ones that the body can either further use to function properly or it will eliminate from the system completely. This is why when you start to do a detox, you will see results, especially if you are looking at weight loss as an indicator that what you are doing is actually effective!

Yet, that is not going to last for long, and it is not an indication that you are getting healthier. You are most likely losing weight because you are replacing meals with juices or not eating certain foods. Your body will use the stored energy it has since it is not getting extra from your diet and, as a result, release water. This is why any weight loss you see from doing a juice cleanse will come right back when you resume your normal diet because it was mostly water weight that you got rid of.

Not to mention, doing this type of weight loss creates a yo-yo effect that is not going to have a healthy effect on your body since you are losing and putting the weight right back on.

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