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4 Detox Methods That Ruin Your Health

Image By Yavdat From Shutterstock

#2 Restrictive eating as a form of detox

This one may be news to some of you, but believe us when we say that the detox community is well-versed in using restrictive eating as a way of detoxing. The core idea behind this method is to restrict or even eliminate certain foods or food groups from your diet, which in turn will end up flushing out toxins from your body and leaving you in a healthier state with improved overall health. But is this true?

While it has been proven that restricting certain elements of the diet may be helpful when dealing with certain food sensitivities, stomach issues, and even other health issues, when it comes to “detoxing,” this is never the way to go.

Restrictive eating is only beneficial for people who have certain sensitivities to a food group, like gluten or dairy, or even people who are trying to figure out what is causing them discomfort. But that implies selective and specific exclusions, not just not eating certain food groups because it is believed to be some sort of cleansing. Because when you think about it, it is definitely not a detox method but rather a way to figure out if there are certain foods that cause you bloating, intestinal discomfort, constipation, or anything of the sort, so you can eliminate them.

If you start eliminating foods from your diet at random, you will not get any answers to the question of whether some foods are beneficial to your gastrointestinal health and will only frustrate you with an overly restrictive diet. Not to mention that eating too much of one food can lead to more health issues than it solves.

So do not attempt this type of “detox cleanse.” Rather, talk with your doctor if you believe you have some food sensitivities and discuss the possibility of attempting an elimination diet to pinpoint the food that is giving you trouble so you can avoid it afterward, but be able to find it in a safe and regulated way.

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