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4 Detox Methods That Ruin Your Health

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Have you ever wondered if those detoxes are actually useful?

When it comes to people claiming they are trying to be healthier, you may have noticed that a lot of them mention doing a detox in order to kickstart their health journey. While the concept of a detox is not inherently bad, what it claims and how these cleanses are carried out have a high likelihood of not only leaving you dissatisfied with the results and the process, but they can sometimes even be harmful to your health.

Science and research have not come up with any evidence that these detoxes work (alongside the cleanses and body resets), but people still claim that these restrictive diets will help you achieve the ultimate healthy body. In order to help you make an informed decision, we have not only gathered all the science-backed information about what these detoxes actually are but also gone through some of them and explained why they may be more harmful than beneficial to your overall health.

To find out all about that and more, keep reading!

Let us know if you’ve tried any of these cleanses and what you thought of them in the comments section below!

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