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6 Premade Foods You Should NEVER Eat (and Why)

Image By JHVEPhoto From Shutterstock

Minced garlic

It is convenient. Easy to use. It lasts you a long time. And while all of these things are why a lot of us love minced garlic, the premade stuff is just not that good for you. If people were a bit more truthful with themselves, they would also realize that the premade minced garlic also does not taste like real garlic.

Fresh garlic gets its telltale flavor from a compound that gets released when it is cut. Until you use it, the flavor will build up, and depending on how you end up using it, it is going to give you way more or less flavor! Think about it for a moment. If it didn’t matter the way in which we cut it, why would there be so many ways of cutting garlic (whole, sliced, minced, crushed, or even micro planed)? You need different cuts for different uses, and just using the jarred, premade stuff is not going to cut it.

Use the fresh stuff; it is easy to pinpoint and prepare, so there is no need to spend more money on the premade stuff; it is more expensive and not as good for your health as the fresh variety!

And if you’re curious about what other professions are not keen on eating because they are in the know about how certain things are done, make sure to check out what chefs NEVER eat at restaurants and why!

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