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The Anti-Cancer Diet: 9 Delicious Things You Should Eat

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7. Tomatoes

How often do you eat tomatoes? This fruit is one of the most delicious ones we could possibly consume. It tastes amazing in pasta, soups, smoothies, cocktails, salads, all sorts of sauces, lasagna, sandwiches, tacos, and so many other mouth-watering dishes.

But its amazing taste is not the only one that makes us crave it. According to research, the tomato’s deep red color comes from a chemical called lycopene, which also gives the fruit its cancer-fighting benefits.

Whether you eat raw or cooked tomatoes, their benefits are incredible, as it’s believed that lycopene is actually related to a lower risk of prostate cancer.

Of course, there are other variables at play too, but if researchers tell us that eating healthy and nutritious foods is what will keep us healthy and strong all our lives, we should listen to them, right?

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