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Weak Immune System: 6 Foods and Drinks That Highly Affect Your Body

weak immune system
Photo by Ekaterina Markelova from

1. Salty foods

I wasn’t pleased when I found out about this either, but salty foods are good friends with a weak immune system, and that means no good for you.

If you love munching on frozen dinners, chips, pretzels, salty pastry goodies, or fast food (which I totally love too), you’re not going to pass the cold season without catching a cold.

These foods are high in salt and sodium, and while some bits are totally recommended in a healthy and balanced diet, too much can trigger issues like inflammation, and they also increase your risk of getting an autoimmune disease.

Doctors and nutritionists say that salt can lower your immune system’s ability to function, which means that it suppresses its anti-inflammatory response, makes the immune cells that are part of the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases stronger, and alters gut bacteria.

If you unfortunately suffer from lupus, Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, or ulcerative colitis, you will continue to have a weak immune system if you keep eating too much salt.

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