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Weak Immune System: 6 Foods and Drinks That Highly Affect Your Body

you're eating too much sugar, weak immune system
Photo by Ground Picture from Shutterstock

3. Added sugar

Do you know what other thing is responsible for your weak immune system, making your body feel weird, tired, and prone to colds and several viruses? The answer is simple: added sugar.

This is good for the soul but not for the body, and it is known for raising blood sugar and increasing the production of several inflammatory proteins, such as C-reactive protein (CRP), tumor necrosis alpha (TNF-α), and interleukin-6 (IL-6).

Chocolate bars and candy taste heavenly, but if you’re also diagnosed with diabetes, it’s a must to let them go and switch to healthier alternatives that don’t contain added sugar or artificial sweeteners (they spike your blood sugar levels).

When your blood sugar levels are high, you might notice that you have a weak immune system because the cells that are responsible for fighting infection, phagocytes, and neutrophils, can’t do their job properly.

Other than that, these extreme levels can also harm gut barrier function and create imbalances in your gut bacteria, which means that it will be easier for your body to get infected with dangerous viruses and bacteria.

As much as we enjoy eating ice cream, sodas, cake, and other delicious things, it’s better to make them at home with natural ingredients and use high-quality honey and maple syrup to give them a sweet taste.

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