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Weak Immune System: 6 Foods and Drinks That Highly Affect Your Body

bacon, weak immune system
Photo by DronG from Shutterstock

2. Fried foods

If you’re curious about other foods that are responsible for your weak immune system, you can blame fried foods. Yes, they’re crunchy and taste heavenly, but they’re high in a group of molecules called advanced glycation end products (AGEs), which form when proteins and fats react with sugars during high-temperature cooking.

If you have extreme levels of AGEs in your body, you can expect bad things to happen, such as cellular damage and inflammation. Experts discovered that AGEs can be responsible for your weak immune system because they deplete your body of its antioxidant mechanisms and can have a negative impact on gut bacteria.

According to experts, a diet that is rich in AGEs can make you more susceptible to developing conditions like metabolic syndrome, heart disease, malaria, and certain cancers.

If you like eating pan-fried steak, French fries, fried chicken, fried bacon, fried fish, and potato chips, you’d better invest in an air fryer because it will cook your favorite foods without any oil.

Everything will be crispy, tasty, and divine, but also healthy. Your heart and your body will thank you! Here’s a good air fryer on sale! Check this offer out; you don’t want to miss it!

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