5. Processed and charred meats
Do you remember that we previously talked about AGEs and how they’re responsible for your weak immune system? Well, the charred and processed meats you might love are rich in AGEs, and your body is not happy about it.
Nutritionists wanted to know more about this, so they ran a couple of tests on more than 500 foods, and the results were pretty shocking and eye-opening. Some of the foods that contained plenty of AGEs were broiled hot dogs, grilled steak, fried bacon, and roasted skin-on chicken thighs.
Another reason why processed and charred meats are responsible for your weak immune system is that they’re high in saturated fats. If you consume too many saturated fats and too few unsaturated fats, you might contribute to a successful immune system dysfunction, and I don’t think that’s what you’d like.