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6 Superfoods That Prevent Cancer and Heart Disease

superfoods that prevent cancer and heart disease
Photo by Elena Veselova from

1. Kale

One of the superfoods that prevent cancer and heart disease is kale, and if you don’t typically have it in your diet, now might be the perfect moment to include it because it’s magnificent.

In the last couple of years, kale has become one of the most popular greens, and it is rather difficult to find a grocery store that doesn’t carry it. This dark leafy green can be consumed both raw and cooked, but keep in mind that if you plan on including it raw in a salad, you have to massage it with some olive oil because it will be a lot easier to digest and it won’t make you bloated.

Being part of the list of superfoods that prevent cancer and heart disease, kale is rich in antioxidants, omega-3 fatty acids, and more fiber than the majority of veggies out there.

It’s low in fat and calories but filled with nutrients that are meant to regularize your cardiovascular system, so if you want to lose weight, tone up, and improve your health, kale is one ingredient you should include more of in your diet.

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