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6 Best Foods a Harvard Nutritionist Eats to Stay Young

Image By Sohel Parvez Haque From Shutterstock

It’s all about the B vitamins!

The key to keeping your brain young and healthy is to make sure that you add to your diet a lot of foods that contain vitamin B. A lot of the most common illnesses that are associated with the brain are linked with a deficiency of vitamin B, according to multiple studies that have been made on the topic. This includes mental health issues such as dementia, depression, and mental impairment, which can be prevented by making sure you have enough vitamin B in your diet.

Researchers also note that people could end up with a deficiency in vitamin B12 due to cognitive issues and that this is more prevalent than some people think it is. What’s more, it is very common in elders and seniors who do not have a proper diet, but it can happen to anyone who is not careful with their diet.

In order to understand why the vitamin B complex is so crucial to the health of our brains, we need to understand what each one of these vitamins is good for. Keep on reading to discover all the benefits of these vitamins!

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