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6 Best Foods a Harvard Nutritionist Eats to Stay Young

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Image By Peangdao From Shutterstock

The 6 Best Foods!

It is obvious by now that making sure that you get adequate amounts of vitamin B in your diet is crucial. And while you can always aid your body by taking supplements, it is better to just make sure you also get plenty of the vitamins and nutrients you need through your diet. It can seem quite daunting to think about having to incorporate 8 vitamins into your diet, but the truth is that you only need to make sure the following six are present and you are set!

Eating yogurt is going to give you plenty of B2 and B12, as well as other nutrients and protein, and it will also act as a natural probiotic. Likewise, eating an egg a day will also give you a third of the recommended B7 daily amount, along with other small doses of the other B vitamins.

Legumes, especially edamame, chickpeas, lentils, and black beans, will end up covering your bases with B9 while also including a number of other B vitamins as well. Another good source of vitamin B9 are leafy greens, namely Swiss chard, spinach, and cabbage. Both of these two vegetable categories will also help if you are in a low mood and need a pick-me-up.

Sunflower seeds are a great natural source of B5, while salmon is a natural source of all B vitamins, especially B2, B3, B6, and B12!

As long as you make sure to eat some of these in moderation daily or just include them in your food rotation, you will ensure that you get enough vitamin B in your diet to make a nutritionist proud while also ensuring that your brain gets all the health nutrients it needs.

If you are interested in also adding some foods that are known to help you live longer, make sure to check them out here!

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