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5 Best & Quick Side Dishes You Can Eat With Any Meal

side dishes
Image By Cara Leigh Harbstreet From Shutterstock

Have you ever wondered what other side dishes you could have with your meal?

A lot of us, when we think about side dishes, either has Thanksgiving in mind or the way in which Asian cultures treat them: as a collection of multiple smaller dishes, mainly with easy-to-eat vegetables or salad-type dishes that are there to complement the meal. When we think about it, every meal consists of a main course and a side dish: whether it’s steak with grilled potatoes or chicken with rice, the potatoes and rice are side dishes!

A lot of Americans tend to fall into a rut when it comes to finding side dishes for their meals, which is why a lot of us end up gravitating towards what is easy to make and think of. Fried potatoes, plain rice, and maybe a pasta salad if we are feeling adventurous Despite this, it shouldn’t be like that! There are plenty of side dishes that we can make that are both delicious, fast, and, dare we say, even healthier than fries!

Here are some of our favorite side dish recipes that are bound to make your meals more interesting and tasty! Trust us, you will not be missing carbs with some of these!

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