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10 Reasons Why Bananas Are the Best Fruit, According to Nutritionists

bananas are the best
Photo by Tatjana Baibakova from Shutterstock

They are a huge source of vitamin C

I bet that you didn’t think that bananas contained vitamin C, right? Well, most likely nobody associates bananas with this particular vitamin. However, a medium-sized banana a day will provide you with 10% of the daily dose of vitamin C you need.

You’re not entirely sure what good vitamin C is? Well, for starters, they protect your body against tissue damage, help your body with collagen production, and support your brain in creating serotonin. For a less stressful day, a good night’s sleep, and a boost of vitamins, consume bananas!

Digestive health

Many people think that ripe bananas are tastier and full of nutrients. However, according to nutritionists, green bananas are healthier. Why? Bananas that are still green and unripe contain sizable levels of the dietary fibers pectin and resistant starch. Pectins and resistant starch function as prebiotic nutrients by promoting the development of good gut flora.

Pectin may even help prevent colon cancer, according to certain test-tube studies. Trusted Source, although additional human study is required to fully understand this potential advantage. Furthermore, if you suffer from gastrointestinal issues, bananas can help you minimize stomach ulcers and constipation. So instead of the regular coffee, you drink first thing in the morning, you better switch to a banana. Your body will thank you afterward!

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