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Salt: 8 Shocking Signs You Eat Too Much of It

salt in food
Photo by mmpixel91 from

Whether you’re eating at home or you’re out on a date with someone special, you can’t help but add salt to your food. There are people who can’t even have a bite of their food without adding a bit of salt first. The phrase “too much of a good thing” is real, so moderation is key in every aspect of your life.

Even though this seasoning is natural and your body needs it to properly function, it actually contains 60% chloride and about 40% sodium. Experts say that you should try to get about 1,500 milligrams of sodium every day, but the average American gets about 3,400.

It might not be what you want to hear, but too much salt can lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, and even a stroke. Speaking of that, are you trying to make yourself sick by consuming too much salt? Let’s find out! Click on the next page to discover the 1st sign!

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