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Salt: 8 Shocking Signs You Eat Too Much of It

Photo by MilanMarkovic78 from

1. You feel bloated

Have you ever noticed that you feel extremely bloated after eating a big meal, such as burgers and fries, or way too many slices of pizza? Well, that’s because you’re consuming too much salt and more sodium than your body actually needs.

When your stomach receives way too much sodium, it can feel inflated or tight, and you might notice that you have to open up your jeans button, take your belt off, or even take a few minutes to chill because you’re uncomfortable.

Consuming high amounts of sodium can lead to water retention, which causes a buildup of excess fluid. Believe it or not, high sodium content does not always correlate with a salty flavor. You might not think about it, but foods like sandwiches, pizza, bagels, and even canned soup can contain a lot of salt, so it’s best to consume them in moderation.

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