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Salt: 8 Shocking Signs You Eat Too Much of It

Photo by Beyond This from

2. You feel puffy and swollen

As we’ve previously mentioned, a high salt intake is associated with fluid retention. This can lead to swelling in different parts of your body and even in places you wouldn’t expect it, such as the fingers, ankles, face, hands, and feet.

When your body’s tissues have too many fluids, it can lead to swelling, or edema, as it’s known in the medical world. Besides feeling puffier and swollen, you might notice that if you go on the scale, you’re actually a few pounds heavier. That’s water retention.

The good thing is that you can easily get rid of it by drinking plenty of water throughout the day, working out, and cutting down on processed foods, like pizza, fries, fried and greasy food, chips, puffs, peanuts, and pretzels.

Stick to healthy and clean foods, like fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins; reduce the flavors based on salt, and you’ll notice a big change in no time!

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