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Warning! These 8 Dangerous Foods Drain Your Energy

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Fried and fast foods

Have you ever noticed that after eating fried and junk food, you typically feel tired and sluggish? Don’t get us wrong, we really enjoy indulging in some burgers and fries every now and then, but they really affect your energy.

That’s because these foods contain plenty of fats (and we’re not talking about healthy fatty acids like Omega-3) and low fiber levels, which can induce digestive slowdowns.

Moreover, a lower digestive rate might slow the absorption of food, delaying the onset of the post-meal stamina boost that most people anticipate.

If you eat junk food in general, you already know that vitamins, minerals, and other critical elements tend to be lacking in fried and quick meals.

Of course, the ideal plan is to eat nutrient-dense meals, as they will help you maintain your energy levels throughout the day, which will in turn help you achieve your fitness goals.

Another factor that can interfere with stamina levels is overeating. Eating too many fatty meals at once or too much food at a single sitting can make you feel drained of energy and unmotivated for a few hours.

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1 thought on “Warning! These 8 Dangerous Foods Drain Your Energy”

  1. My wife is Korean and has eaten short-grain white rice every day of her life since the age of 3. She’s over 60 now and is almost as active and energetic as she was when she was 30 (she owns and operates her own business, which requires a good deal of physical and mental effort). If you sit around and do nothing most of the time, then rice can be bad for you, but so can avocados and prune juice.

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