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11 Amazingly Healthy Foods That Keep Your Skin Young

healthy foods that keep your skin young
Photo by Africa Studio from Shutterstock

1. Carrots

The first one on the list of healthy foods that keep your skin young is carrots. Whenever you feel like munching on something crunchy and yummy, carrots are the best idea! Besides being a healthy snack, they are packed with tons of vitamins, antioxidants, and beta-carotene. All three of these ingredients contribute to healthy, good-looking skin.

Carrots are best consumed in raw form but also in juices or salads. How often do you eat carrots, and how do you prefer them?

2. Cucumber

We can’t think of a more versatile vegetable that keeps your skin healthy and young. Cucumbers are the finest source of antioxidants that help your body experience less stress. Furthermore, 96% of it is water! And we already know how much drinking 2 liters of water a day may help us.

Additionally, cucumbers are a fantastic remedy for sunburn. After spending all day at the beach, apply a few cucumber slices to the burnt skin to soothe it if you don’t have any creams on hand. It is ideal to eat cucumbers raw as snacks, in salads, or in lemonades to cool off on hot summer days!

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