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11 Amazingly Healthy Foods That Keep Your Skin Young

healthy foods that keep your skin young
Photo by Olga Kri from Shutterstock

5. Lemons

How was that old saying? When life gives you lemons, you hurry up to the kitchen to make lemonade! Wise words indeed. Now let’s get back to serious stuff because we all know how great both limes and lemons are for our overall health. Jam-packed with a ton of vitamin C, lemons are also a very strong antioxidant that gives vitality and a touch of glow to your skin.

Besides lemonades, you can squeeze lemon juice over your grills, salads, or smoothies for extra freshness!

6. Blueberries

One of our go-to healthy foods that keeps our skin young is blueberries. Blueberries are one of those adaptable fruits that work well with yogurt, salads, and smoothies. They are also rich in vitamin C and vitamin K as well as other healthy components that have an anti-aging impact and prevent cell damage. It would be unfortunate to miss the chance to consume them while they are in season!

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