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11 Amazingly Healthy Foods That Keep Your Skin Young

healthy foods that keep your skin young
Photo by Pausestudio from Shutterstock

3. Strawberries

Among the healthy foods that keep your skin young are strawberries. These delicious fruits, which, thanks to various greenhouses, can be found year-round, are a great source of vitamin C and other micronutrients.

Strawberries have antioxidants that will slow down the aging process, boost your metabolism, and help you maintain a healthier body because, compared to other fruits, they also have a lower amount of calories. These fruits are best consumed raw in salads and smoothies, but they are also a healthy snack between meals.

4. Avocado

Yummy! Are you ready for this one? Avocado is one of those healthy foods that keep your skin young! This fruit contains omega-3 fatty acids, a lot of vitamins (mostly C and A), and antioxidants that are actively fighting against the aging process. Additionally, according to a recent study from 2022, avocados also contain zeaxanthin and lectin, which help your skin remain elastic and firm even after a certain age.

But besides being super good for your health, avocado is also super tasty! Make sure you’ll include it in your daily menu or at least twice a week. You can either consume it sliced in salads or mashed (only if it’s ripe enough) on a slice of whole-grain bread. Mmm…delicious!

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