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Colon Cancer: 5 Foods That Increase Your Risk of Developing It

colon cancer
Image By 5PH From Envato Elements

#4 Alcohol

If you have a few drinks from time to time, you are not going to have higher odds of colon cancer. Nothing works like that, and people who demonize one thing are not being factual when it comes to these types of things.

However, you have to be careful how you drink in order not to cross the line over to what is not okay and have your odds of developing colon cancer (or even other types of cancer) increase. Specialists say that moderate to heavy drinkers (which means you are drinking two or three glasses of alcohol every day for a prolonged period of time) can increase your risk even by 20% when it comes to developing colon cancer.

If you drink more than that, you are considered to be a heavy drinker, and your chances of getting it double, with a 40% increased risk. If you had a long period in which you were a heavy drinker or you used to have more than three drinks a day, you should talk to your doctor about the possible side effects of that and maybe even the possibility of accessing a screening for colon cancer.

1 thought on “Colon Cancer: 5 Foods That Increase Your Risk of Developing It”

  1. Sandra Williams

    You keep saying that you have 5 types of food that can aid in the start of cancer. But I have not seen those 5 foods can you please give them to me please I’m so scared because I have been having alot of problems with my stomach and my father had stomach cancer so can you please send me those foods so that I can make sure to try and stay away from them. Thank you

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