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Colon Cancer: 5 Foods That Increase Your Risk of Developing It

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#5 Processed meats

There is nothing wrong with eating deli meats from time to time; after all, they are a staple in a lot of our sandwiches and they are delicious. However, a lot of them are not just cured, smoked, or preserved with salt; a lot of them contain not only preservatives but also dyes and chemicals that can be harmful to your health.

A lot of our favorite deli meats or processed foods, such as bacon, ham, packaged lunchmeat, bologna, and even hot dogs, can contain these types of preservatives and harmful chemicals. When you make this type of food a habit, you are automatically consuming a large number of chemicals. This not only increases your risk of developing colon cancer but also stomach cancer and other types of health issues (including gastritis).

Obviously, if you do not make a habit of eating these, there is no issue, but as a whole, if you are not sure about who produces the processed meats you get and how they do it, it is a good idea to say no to them. You can always give it a try by making your own or just using cold cuts from steaks or other dinner meats in your sandwiches as well! It is preferable to the risk of developing colon cancer.

And if you were ever worried that some of the other drinks you are having through the day may end up harming your health, make sure to avoid drinking these ones that are known to be linked to increased risk of cancer!

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1 thought on “Colon Cancer: 5 Foods That Increase Your Risk of Developing It”

  1. Sandra Williams

    You keep saying that you have 5 types of food that can aid in the start of cancer. But I have not seen those 5 foods can you please give them to me please I’m so scared because I have been having alot of problems with my stomach and my father had stomach cancer so can you please send me those foods so that I can make sure to try and stay away from them. Thank you

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