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Does an Apple a Day Really Keep the Doctor Away?

Photon by Billion Photos from Shutterstock

2. An apple a day reduces the risk of stroke

Eating apples regularly can prevent thrombotic strokes, which occur when a blood clot forms inside an artery that supplies blood to the brain.

A team of experts at the National Public Health Institute in Helsinki, Finland, conducted a study between 1967 and 1994, following up on 9,208 Finnish women and men. The researchers studied the effect of the antioxidant quercetin found in apples on diseases of blood vessels in the brain.

Though they couldn’t pinpoint the exact reasons, they did discover that apples reduce the risk of brain stroke in the participants. According to the study, people who ate 171 grams of apples a day were about 50% less likely to develop a stroke compared to those who ate 78 grams or less. So grab an apple and lower your chances of having a stroke!

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