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4 Detox Methods That Ruin Your Health

Photo by natalia bulatova at Shutterstock

What exactly is a detox?

Whether you know them as detoxes or by their other preferred name, cleanses, they are one of the health trends that have proven to be easily adopted and, dare we say, here to stay. This, along with the clean beauty trend, has been the fascination of people who try to be healthy and stay healthy; however, the claims that they make end up sounding too good to be true, and most people who are skeptics end up realizing they are not the best.

The general forms that detoxes take either include the ones that make you replace solid meals with liquid ones, the ones that achieve a “cleanse” of the digestive tract through the colon, and the ones that boost and maintain your body’s natural propensity for detoxification.

Detoxes have gained a cult following, and both the cleanse and the people who are swearing about their benefits left and right claim that by following them, you are going to both flush out all the toxins that are present in your body while allowing your digestive system to take a break while also getting a ton of health benefits. The benefits include feeling more energized, younger, and overall healthier. While some of the cleanses do have some health benefits when not attempted as a strict diet and done for the sole reason of detoxing, they will not give you these results.

Next, we are going to take a look at the most famous detoxes out there that you may have even seen on blogs or social media and debunk them, along with the ways in which you can truly have a healthier diet full of nutrients!

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