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4 Detox Methods That Ruin Your Health

Liver, detox
Photo by SvetaZi at Shutterstock

#1 Liver Detox

Liver detox is the newest trend in the detox world, and it has since become such a trend that a lot of people who prescribe this lifestyle have started to pick it up. The core idea behind these “liver detoxes” is to improve the functions of the liver by generating a boost to the natural body’s detoxifying system.

They believe that by keeping this detox and following the rules of this cleanse thoroughly, they can end up flushing all the toxins out of their body while at the same time giving the liver the boost it needs to work better.

The problem with this type of thinking and detox is that there is no type of diet that is going to give you these exact results!

After all, what we should all strive towards is having the appropriate nutrition that would benefit our health and body, which in turn is going to support the appropriate and healthy function of the liver— there is no way in which you can make it work “better” than it already is, just ways in which you can support its normal way of working.

A detox is never going to work in such a way, and if you truly want to give your liver the best chance it has to function at peak capacity, you can achieve that by having a healthy diet. That includes making sure your diet is rich with both raw and cooked vegetables and fruit, not to mention making sure you have enough soluble fiber as well. Dishes that contain nuts, grains, and beans are an easy way to achieve the optimal amount of soluble fiber in your daily diet.

The most important is to limit your alcohol consumption. It’s not about detoxing when it comes to having a healthy liver; it is about limiting the harmful foods and drinks and adding in the ones that you know are going to be great for it.

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