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8 Things Chefs Would NEVER Order at a Restaurant

Image By Tatiana Bralnina From Shutterstock

Anything that comes with a condiment container

You may be thinking that there is nothing to be wary of when you are getting a little pot of sauce. However, people who have been in the industry for a while have quite a lot to say about them and be they chefs or waiting staff, they are all quite weary of the cute containers.

This will obviously be on a case-by-case basis, but a lot of chefs avoid getting dishes that come with a sauce because they know a lot of places do not actually clean them up properly. And what we mean by that is that instead of dumping out what was left in them, washing them, and then using a clean one, some places end up just topping them off and reusing the sauce that was left behind by another customer.

Only God knows what can be in those little pots, so if you’re wary of a place, we would recommend you also steer clear of the tiny condiment containers!

And since we were talking about foods some people never order, you should also make sure that you are staying far away from these items from McDonald’s!

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1 thought on “8 Things Chefs Would NEVER Order at a Restaurant”

  1. This is horrible. Shame on the chefs. Is the artical saying they are not professional. We,, the customers, can’t rely on them to do their job properly and safely. And if the chefs know about other issues taking place by the staff why do they let it continue. Who has control in the kitchen? Apparently no one! Don’t drink the water and don’t use the fork. Maybe we all should keep out. And I’m not saying McDonald’s!

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