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6 Easy and Effective Ways to Lower Your Insulin Levels

lower your insulin levels
Photo by kudla from

2. Sleep more

This might sound like a no-brainer, but it is one of the most important things you have to do in order to lower your insulin levels. Sleep deprivation will not only make you feel tired, cranky, and unproductive, but it can also increase your insulin resistance, which can then increase your blood sugar levels.

Sleeping for 8 hours per night will help you feel good, energized, and rejuvenated, and it will also improve your mood and lower your insulin levels.

If you experience trouble falling asleep, you could opt for a white noise sound machine that has different relaxing noises to help you have a good night’s sleep. I had the same problem too when I was stressed out, and I got this gadget from Amazon, and it made a big difference. You can find it here for an amazing price!

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