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6 Easy and Effective Ways to Lower Your Insulin Levels

lower your insulin levels
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1. Be more active

One of the easiest ways to lower your insulin levels is to be more active. Experts say that exercising on a regular basis can improve your insulin sensitivity, meaning that your strong cells can better use the sugar that’s in your blood, and that will end up reducing your overall blood sugar levels.

Being more active also means that your body will be stronger and more toned, and you will protect yourself from catching colds or developing certain health issues like arthritis or osteoporosis.

You don’t need to spend hours and hours in the gym to get these benefits. All you need is a 30-minute workout 4-5 times a week to lower your insulin levels, improve your mood, and feel stronger.

For best results, combine resistance training with walking, bicycling, swimming, and hiking. This combination will also help you not get bored, and it will keep diabetes at bay.

There are many other ways to lower your insulin levels! Click on the next page!

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