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6 Easy and Effective Ways to Lower Your Insulin Levels

lower your insulin levels
Photo by fizkes from

3. Reduce stress

Stress is one of the worst things that can happen to your body, and that’s because it can mess with your normal hormone levels, making your body go crazy.

But before we continue with this, we have to say that there are two kinds of stress, and one of them can be beneficial for your body, while the other is going to cause more harm than good.

The first one is eustress, also known as the “fight-or-flight” mode, and it is GOOD for you because it releases different hormones in your body and can actually make you stronger for different health issues, such as colds and flues.

You can experience something like this when you speak in public, when you go on a first date with someone you really like, when you take cold showers, when you ride a rollercoaster, or when you get comfortable being in the presence of an animal you’re afraid of, such as a spider.

Basically, it’s the type of stress that only lasts for a couple of minutes or a few hours, and it won’t affect your health, but it will actually improve it and make you feel proud of yourself.

The BAD type of stress is chronic stress, which is prolonged and makes you feel anxious, scared, overwhelmed, and unmotivated. When you feel like you’re stressed out, it’s actually your body telling you to slow down because you’re in chronic stress mode, and that’s not good.

When you’re stressed for longer periods of time, your body goes crazy and breaks down glycogen, which is a form of stored sugar, into glucose. As you can imagine, this can keep your hormone levels high and increase your blood sugar levels.

If you’re looking for easy ways to lower your insulin levels, you have to kick the bad stress out of your life because it doesn’t do any good for you.

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